Kortright Handworks @ La Basse Cour Update September 3, 2018
9/3/18, 1:02 PM
By: Diane Frances & Julie Rockefeller
Welcome to our second update for Kortright Handworks @ La Basse Cour, and a special welcome to those who visited with us on Family Farm Day and at the West Kortright Fair.
We are so pleased about all of the interest in Kortright Handworks @ La Basse Cour! Well over 125 people visited our farm on Family Farm Day and dozens more stopped at our tent at the WKFair, sharing stories, and offering ideas, connections and encouragement. Thank you all! Special thanks to Julie for the raw wool to finished good demonstration, to Jill for setting up the treadle sewing machine, and to Dawn for warping the barn loom and demonstrating rag rug making on Family Farm Day.
As we think about all the ways that Kortright Handworks @ La Basse Cour can evolve, we would love to know what skills you would like to learn, and the skills you would like to share. Drop us a line, reply to this email, and let us know your interests and how you would like to be more involved. And be sure to stop by to brainstorm and explore together! We welcome ideas for children’s programming too.
Julie has recently completed her series of 5 basic knitting workshops. We had knitting newbies and refreshers and enjoyed every moment. Julie scheduled the sessions on different days and at different times of the day and evening to make it convenient to attend at least one – if you have preferred days/times let us know as we plan into the future. Coming soon with be a sister series of 5 basic crocheting workshops so watch for the schedule.
Next up is our first two day workshop: Design and Knit Your Own 3 Color Fair Isle Style Hat delivered by Julie. All materials are included, we’ll take a couple of field trips and enjoy farm to table meals. Make it a retreat and stay with us in our bed&breakfast at La Basse Cour. If you are interested and have questions, would like to register, or make a reservation, contact Diane at labassecour@hughes.net.
We’re scheduled to have Nancy Meyers shear our angora goats on Tuesday October 9, time not yet set. Let us know if you would like to see this important and delicate step in the process of making fiber done by a caring expert and we will keep you posted on the schedule for the day.
We’ve added another vintage sewing machine and vintage notions to our collection thanks to Mary Melia and Teri Calloway. Thank you both!
In addition to this email update, and if you use Facebook, we invite you to “like” our page Kortright Handworks at La Basse Cour to stay current with plans and activities and to share your ideas. For those of you using Revelry we started a group and invite you to join https://www.ravelry.com/
Also we have created rack cards and new brochures and business cards and would love to have you share them and offer them at your place of business. They should be back from Race Printing in Cobleskill any day now so stop in at Kortright Handworks @ La Basse Cour for a stack or let me know and I’ll drop some off to you. Thank you.
In case you were wondering, Paulie and Luther are getting bigger every day! Precious is a wonderful Mom and we are so grateful to CeCe for making them available for us to add to our farm family.
This is our second ‘occasional’ email update, we expect to send out one or two each month to keep you up to date on workshops and events at Kortright Handworks @ La Basse Cour. If you prefer not to receive them just reply “no thanks” to this email and we will remove you from our mailing list.
Thanks again for being part of Kortright Handworks @ La Basse Cour!